Steamboat Willy
This 1928 American animated short film by Walt Disney Studios is one of the most influential cartoons ever made. Steamboat Willie was the debut of both Mickey and Minnie Mouse and one of the first cartoons to have synchronized sound. (with original sound)
Vintage Commercials
Commercials can be an annoying interruption.... until a few decades later, when they become a fascinating record of life in that era. Enjoy these vintage ads for: Maxwell House Coffee, Laura Scudder Potato Chips, Cracker Jacks, Bufferin, Volkswagen, Shell gas, Pet Evaporated Milk, Hertz Rent-a-Ca...
Winnie the Pooh
Listen to this beloved storybook by A. A. Milne, read for us by Phil Chenevert and accompanied by Ernest H. Shepard's original illustrations. (with narration)
Winter Fun
Families, singles, and couples delight in winter activities such as ice skating, playing in the snow, snowball fights, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, and warming up by a roaring fire. (with gentle music)