Welcome to Zinnia
Welcome to Zinnia, better programming for people living with dementia. Crafted by artists and based on scientific research, our videos are beautiful, slow paced, easy to see and easy to process. They draw people in with a subtle internal logic that moves through time and place without the burden ...
How to Choose What to Watch
How Professional Caregivers Use Zinnia
Helping with Daily Activities
Explaining how Zinnia's unique ADL videos support caregivers in helping people complete the necessary tasks of daily life.
How to Use Fun & Games
A preview of the range of games, activities, and humor videos found in Zinnia's Fun & Games channel and the benefits they provide to those who give and receive care.
Helping Start Conversations
Allyson Schrier of Zinnia TV explains how caregivers can get the most out of Zinnia.
Helping Reduce Anxiety
Sample Conversation - Watching Hockey
Allyson demonstrates how some caregivers use Zinnia videos to spark connection and engagement.