Aurora Borealis
Known as 'Aurora borealis' in the north and 'Aurora australis' in the south, these bright dancing lights are actually collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the earth's atmosphere.
For about 56 million years, butterflies have been bringing joy to the world. Here we watch them dine on nectar and move together in a flutter.
Cliffs of Moher
In County Clare, Ireland you'll find these spectacular cliffs at the southwestern edge of the Burren region. They are home to 20 different bird species and a wide range of flora and fauna. (with music, sounds, a few people, and a donkey.)
Enjoying Nature - 1h 49m Playlist
Fall Leaves
Flower Fields
Fields of flowers from around the world soothe mind and soul. (with tranquil music)
Life of the Butterfly
Witness the butterflies' life cycle, from courting to reproduction, caterpillar to chrysalis, and metamorphosis to maturity. (with gentle music)
National Parks
Tour landmark locations in these National Parks located throughout the United States and Canada.
Nesting Hummingbirds
Photographer and citizen scientist Eric Pittman shares his footage of hummingbird nests near his home in Victoria, BC. (live sounds, no people)
Outdoor Recreation
Outdoor pursuits are good for the body, mind and soul. Here we enjoy hiking, climbing, camping, fishing, boating and roasting dinner on an open fire. (with music and sound effects)
Pacific Forest Walk
Enjoy a leisurely walk through Capilano River Regional Park in North Vancouver, BC. As we gradually hike up through the forest to the water reservoir, we examine the flora and fauna, including the occasional bird, squirrel, or fellow hiker. (with live sound, no faces or talking.)
Spring Flowers
We explore tulips, pansies, daffodils, columbine and more stunning varieties of favorite spring flowers. (with music, no faces)
Stone Balancing
Tranquility - 50m Playlist